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Infinite Banking Concept

Infinite banking is a personal finance strategy that leverages a whole life policy as a “personal bank.” This includes taking loans against the policy and growing cash flow through the insurance’s dividends.

How Does Infinite Banking Work?


The core of the infinite banking concept is a participating whole life insurance policy. Once such a policy is in place, it is possible to lend yourself money using the cash value of the whole life insurance policy as collateral. That avoids paying interest to lending institutions since a policyholder has his/her own mini bank. It allows very fast access to extra funds, which are just an insurance company call away.


Typically, a participating whole life insurance policy is used for the infinite banking concept. Participating life insurance means that a policy pays dividends, which allow contribution towards the cash value of the policy or to pay a part of insurance premiums.


A simple visual below highlights the key elements of the infinite banking concept.

Man Fishing- CWAG LLC
Fixed Indexed Annuities

If you're looking for principal protection with the potential to earn an attractive rate of return that is tied to the market, without being directly invested, a fixed indexed annuity may be a fit for you. A fixed indexed annuity is a long-term investment that allows your assets to grow tax-deferred, and for an additional cost, offers an optional guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB) that provides a guaranteed "retirement paycheck" for you and your spouse that is guaranteed to grow each year income is deferred (up to 10 years). The guaranteed income (your "retirement paycheck") is designed to help cover your essential living expenses, as defined by you, in retirement.


Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability and financial strength of the issuing insurance company.



Financial & Retirement Planning

We believe everyone should have an amazing financial plan, for free and without changing your current budget, your financial plan will recommend the absolute best way to grow and protect your wealth as we achieve financial freedom. There’s no catch and it’s totally free. As clients build wealth, they will learn how to earn significant market gains without experiencing any losses during a market downturn as well as learning how to build multiple streams of income for financial protection and freedom during their respective retirement.

Money Max Account - GUARANTEED to pay off all debt in half the time.

Convert Your Debt to Wealth

  1. Pay off your Business Debt in half the time GUARANTEED.

  2. For a glimpse of how to eliminate your mortgage and other debts in as little as 5 - 7 years, please view the videos below first. Then, for a more in-depth understanding of our life changing financial program and how to Convert your canceled debt payments to Wealth.

IRA’s & Indexed Universal Life

Our IRA’s and IUL’s will allow you to save money for retirement in a tax-free and Tax advantage way. Our IRAs provide a lifetime stream of payments that you cannot outlive. Our IUL’s provide protection and allows you to secure a death benefit for your loved ones while accumulating cash for Retirement that you can borrow from.

Image by Nathan Dumlao
Life Insurance Pension Plans

Life Insurance Pension Plans – Is defined benefit pension plan that replaces lost income after the participant dies. The participant can also use it as a stream of income for retirement.

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya
Infinite Banking for Business Owners

q The Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) is a financial strategy popularized by Nelson Nash. It involves using whole life insurance policies to create your own banking system. Essentially, you build cash value within the policy, which you can then borrow against for various purposes (such as investments or major expenses). Keep in mind that IBC has its proponents and critics, so it’s essential to thoroughly understand the concept and consult with a financial advisor before implementing it.

CWAG LLC Senior Yoga
The Money Max Account

Money Max Account: The Money Max Account is a powerful Integrated Financial Software designed to help business owners pay off their loans faster and create sustainable wealth

Rental Property Investments to build sustainable Wealth

Distinguish between making money and building lasting wealth. While anyone can get rich by investing in real estate, the goal is to create sustainable wealth. Rental properties provide consistent cash flow and potential appreciation over time

Mortgage Protection Insurance

For a lot of families, their house is their financial safe haven. But what happens when they’re faced with the unexpected, like a job loss or death? By considering the emotional decision-making and the behavioral finances related to mortgages, including mortgage protection from term life insurance, you can give your clients the solutions they need to protect their families no matter what uncertainties they face.

Herbal Remedies
Employee Benefits   - Healthcare Products and Solutions

With the pandemic and ongoing changes in healthcare, such as increased telehealth visits, a lot has changed in healthcare payment processing. Our info graphic looks at some of the latest statistics in medical payments.

The Million Dollar Baby Policy

Is an asset class of life insurance called participating whole life insurance policy. Each policy has a guaranteed cash value and every year, a tax-free dividend is paid into this cash value. These policies have existed since 1847, and a dividend payment has never been missed.

For more information contact:
 Cire Wealth Advisory Group, LLC
1- 800-401-2873
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